You create a small piece of art and trade it with other artists. I have been trading an ATC every month since February 2007. In return I receive an ATC from another listener from the CMP. I have ATCs from Germany, Florida, San Francisco...and they have mine.
These are the size of a business card (2.5" x 3")
Here is a couple of my latest ATC's for the CMP (Creative Mom Podcast), plus a few past favorites.
"Signs Connect Us In Time"
These two are for the September exchange....the theme is "Signs".
I used my sketches from the World Wide Sketchcrawl and printed out parts of them and made little collages.
This one was for fun....I made it for a friend's birthday!
Happy Birthday Fran!

July ATC exchange based on Nick's dreaming while on the houseboat!
May's ATC...everyone interprets the theme however they want to. It is fun to see the variety of art work from each person.
You can do whatever you want...collage, paint, embroidery
...just create!