Thursday, September 6, 2007

Painting Girls!

Today was the first day the "Painting Girls" got together. We decided to meet on Thursdays from 10 am - 2 pm and paint together.

It is nice to have others I can work with and share ideas.

(WIP.....Righteous Redwoods #9/10)

I started working on #9 and #10 of the free form series. They are WIP (works in progress) and hopefully I can get them to where I like them.

Not happy yet...

We'll see...

After I paint the background in a free form style, I then use tracing paper to sketch out my flower design. That way I can play around with where I want the main flowers to be.

Then as seen above and below I start to work on the first layers of the painting. I have a ways to go with both the redwoods one above and the wildflower one below.

(WIP....#10/ 20 no name as of yet....just wildflowers)