I decided to try something new. On Saturday, August 25th I joined in a
What is this?
It is a day devoted to sketching in new places. Through seeing it posted on the web with a community of artists, I thought I might want to join in somehow, but on my own level. I suggested to Amy at CMP that this could be something other listeners might want to join in on.
So...it was a slow start for me. Finally the day was clear for me to be free (didn't know my schedule due to soccer confusion), however I was going to have to go it alone. What a procrastination bug I had...my dh had to almost boot me out the door because I was dawdling around feeling uncomfortable for some inane reason or another.
I finally get going, with enough supplies to paint a town! I convinced myself that I needed to stop by Longs Drug Store because I needed a pair of sunglasses (yet another silly dawdling ploy). While I was there, I just picked up a few needed items. See below in my car trunk the TP! Aye-yie-yie!

(Oh yes I decided to document the day no matter what happened!)
You take this bridge over the freeway to get to Forbes Mill, my first stop. I forgot it is decorated with children's art murals. Fun to see and notice on my sketchcrawl day!
This sign should have clued me into the traffic I was about to see on such a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning. As you can see on my sketch page below, many people were enjoying the day in the best kinds of ways.
Here I am with (I took pictures of myself too) my new sketchbook planner. There wasn't a great place to sit with a view I wanted to sketch, so I sat on a curb in the shade in the parking lot.
Needless to say...when I got up....yee-ouch!
Here is what I completed in about 40 minutes. I decided to make 3 stops in the time I had, so I needed to keep moving on. This is an 8.5" x 11" sheet of watercolor paper.
(you can click on the photos here to see a larger version)
Later the next day I added the watercolors at home. I just didn't have enough time while sketching. I just had the best time and felt totally comfortable. Something I hadn't expected at all. These spots I found were historical, beautiful, and I easily found things I wanted to sketch.

Do you think in 1854 there were people stopping to sit down and make a cell phone call, or jogging with their children in a stroller, not to mention the bike riders speeding by.
I can imagine an elderly woman trying to get some much needed fresh air and exercise.
I can imagine families walking and talking together.
I can imagine dogs.

I have driven by this school.
I have even taken a class in an adjoining building.
But not until you stop and stare, take pictures, evaluate what you like or want to draw do you notice the details and beauty of something!
This is what I love about Art!

Did I luck out or what....great spot to sketch!

Great benches in front of the school - no problem finding
a comfy spot this time for another 40 minutes.

Oooohhh....the Yarn Shop wasn't open until noon....I could have dawdled in there, but by now I was on a sketchcrawl ROLL...no time for dawdling!
Another great shady bench and more fun to draw
....all in all it was shaping up to be a
terrific time!

I'm Looking Forward To
My Next Sketchcrawl Adventure!