Painted Lady
(This is an 3 ring binder 8.5 " x 11" with a clear pocket front. I just happen to have an old assignment for a collage I did for my painting class at West Valley that I tucked in the front cover. It suits me well!)
Well....it hit me the other day after seeing Jana Bouc's homemade sketchbook and then someone else who keeps their sketch pages in a 3 ring binder
- PLUS -
my DH wanted us all to switch to the Google computer calenders to share with each other
- PLUS -
the beginning of school urge to reorganize...
VOILA...a new planner and sketchbook combined!
This solves some of my problems. First I still need to have a place to write lists upon lists! I loved my old calender by Amy Knapp's Family Organizer. It had the best system for me a stay at home mom. I just made it larger and with a few added bonuses. However it doesn't come in a larger size like this...which I decided would work better with a printed out calendar from our online Google Calender. (I know Why bother if it is online...WELL...I like to plan things months ahead of time and these stupid online things just don't view well in a monthly format when you are away from a computer monitor)
You see on the LEFT SIDE is a grocery list that you can tear off and take with you - Amy Knapp's was better because it was perforated. I have upgraded it with having categories in color, to put my lists in.
- Bread
- Dairy
- Meats
- Canned Goods/ Dry Goods
- Other Errands (eg. Post Office)
- Other Stores (eg. Returns to Target)
Also on the LEFT SIDE is a To Do Section... again upgraded to color categorized!
- Phone Calls
- School Stuff
- Computer To dos
- To do (eg. prune roses)
Now on the RIGHT SIDE is my Weekly Reminder attached to a Menu Planner.
Totally helps plan meals with everyone going and coming and I need to cook healthy...I just love having a plan for meals. It seems to cut my work load down.
Here is where it gets fun and should be on my Art Journal Blog.
Above (ON THE RIGHT SIDE) is the section where I can put in my sketch pages.
I just cut up a sheet of my favorite watercolor paper and punch it with a 3 ring hole punch...easy have all that. I then only put in 3 or 4 sheets. I can take them out and work on them and then when done, I will transfer to a Sketchbook Binder to save. This way I just carry around one binder for planning and sketching...wherever I go.
Above (ON THE LEFT SIDE) is a plastic sleeve...I just love plastic sleeves! Anyways I can put inspirational things if I want. I have my Mosaic Collage of my Interior of my house and My Gardens. This was made in response to the Creative Mom Podcast a while ago. Now I can look at it anytime!
...Now More ART!
These are my ATC's...that stands for Artist Trading Cards.
This is something again inspired and run by the Creative Mom Podcast (CMP)
...Thanks Amy (Different Amy)!
Each month since February of 2007 I have made a 2.5" x 3" card with a theme and then I trade mine with someone else from the CMP listeners. I've sent mine to Germany, Florida, Ohio, San Francisco...and more.
In return I get a little bit of art from a fellow CMP participant.
Below is my baseball plastic sleeve card holder in my planner now....Yippee...I enjoy looking at them. I've also decided to keep the one I'm working on for the month safely tucked away here too. The top left pocket is what I'm working on for August...the theme is JOURNEY.Sometimes I make an extra one I've kept a few like The "TREASURES" one above is Dale and Anthony reading the Pirates book I did a painting of in West Valley. Below in the center is one I did of Nick called "Midsummer's Night Dream". Other than that they are from other artists.
If you read all this....my DH thinks you're nuts.
And Now On To Other Matters!