Just Remember I Love You....and It'll Be Alright!
dedicated to Lisa Hopp's family
in memory of her love for her family

This was something I sketched today stemming from a prompt from the Creative Mom Podcast I listen to. We were to create something in honor of someone you have lost. My neighbor's sister passed away this past October to Cancer. Just around the time she passed, I had a dream about this scene. It was Lisa and her two nephews sitting on the beach, watching the sunset. I got the real sense that she wanted to say that "It'll be Alright". As I was sketching this, the song
"Just Remember I Love You, and It'll Be Alright" by the Firefall
http://www.google.com/musics?lid=8f_86bMNo6C&aid=AC8117xVcVH&sid=uNItUBeucdwas playing in my mind.
On the side I'm still adding to my sketchbook journal. You can double click in the
Flickr box on the right hand side to see other sketches and knitting projects and stuff that I'm up to.