Thursday, May 13, 2010

Birthday Iris Treat

What I wanted for my Birthday!

1. The sun to shine

2. Enjoy my irises while they are in bloom.

3. A chance to play with Pastels.

4. Friends to share it with me.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hau'oli lā hānau

Painting #1...mountains behind resort

Hau'oli lā hānau "Happy Birthdays"

(pronounced How-o-lee Laa Haa-now)

I was fortunate to get to celebrate my birthday and my friend in Hawaii this year. I decided to set a goal while I was there to bring my oil paints and do some Plein Aire while I was there.

Here are the things I learned:

  1. I can do it!
  2. Set a goal - I met my goal of 5 paintings!
  3. You can't bring Turpenoid on the plane. So I called ahead and found a store close to the airport "Ben Franklin's Craft Store" that said they had some in stock.
  4. It cost extra for my second suitcase for BOTH ways so the prices of my paintings just doubled.
  5. There are a lot of nice people walking down the beaches!
  6. There is so much more to paint!!!!!

Painting #2....shoreline view near resort

Painting #3 - a preschool near Fleming Beach

Painting #4 - Protea bought at a local farmer's market

Painting #5 - Pohaku Park beach north of Kaanapali

Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Once in a lullaby ii ii iii
Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true ooh ooooh

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