Painting....the freedom to paint just for fun about a subject I love...roses and my boys
Picnic...a park filled with roses and people enjoying the gorgeous day
Perfect Movie...a fun, entertaining movie we all loved
Mother's Day Rocked!

I had an awesome Mother's Day! I woke up early - 7am and decided since no one was up...I would paint something. The boys had given me some flowers that were delivered on Friday. They were beautiful I took them out the the Art Cottage and thought about how to paint them. I decided to set up a still life in honor of Mother's Day. What did I have to set up with the roses that would speak Mother's Day to me? I found my statue I had that reminded me of my boys. I wanted to give it a "blue" feel since the vase, flowers and "boys" have an underlying "blue" I used my blue paint shirt to cover the stand for the statue. I then took my camera and took several photos of the setting to see if I could find a
composition I liked.

The sunlight was streaming in at this early morning hour. So I set off to paint.
I decided to sketch with paint and not draw with pencil.

And wahlah...3 hours later the boys came in to say they were all ready for our picnic.
(my husband is one of "the boys"....actually he is the best boy at heart!)
All I did was hop in the car and off we went to the Rose Garden in Santa Clara. They had brought yummy cheeses, salami and crackers, grapes, drinks and chairs. We all really enjoyed the beautiful day and gorgeous roses.
It was fun checking out the varieties they had there. The boys got a lesson in the differences between a "hybrid tea", a "grandiflora" and a "florabunda" rose.
They were surprised they found it interesting.
After the rose education...we headed off to see "Star Trek" the movie.
Woo wee that was a great treat.
We all enjoyed that movie.
What a perfect movie to watch with your teenage sons on mother's day.

I'm One Lucky Girl!